Thursday 1 May 2008

Promary research ideas

Primary Research Ideas

* Not a survey because this is a quantitative way of carrying out research and wouldn’t be much use as I am looking for research that is more qualitative.
* Interviews:
- Could be informal and conversational... ask in generalised questions before going into detail about topics which could develop productive discussion.
- Could have a group of people of varied ages and an equal number of men and women. Show them roughly 5 minute clips from Aliens and Terminator Two and ask them their opinion on how the women have been represented. Then Show them clips from Lara Croft and Resident Evil and ask them their opinion on the representation. After that we would discuss whether they think the change in representation of the years has been a positive one or a negative one or is simply something that doesn’t matter as it doesn’t signify anything, or when watching films where women protagonist feature that it doesn’t matter whether or not the representation is realistic and correct.
* Another way of undertaking research that I think would be affective would be to produce a questionnaire about women protagonist and ask a wider selection of people their opinion on woman protagonist. Could possibly ask them which films have the best representations of women rather than just simply looking at the all ready stated films.

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